Boppa Dago!

Ciro Albornoz @bobimaster333

Age 16, Male



Joined on 1/12/21

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bobimaster333's News

Posted by bobimaster333 - 3 days ago


this is my first post here, WOW!!!

I´ve been feeling pretty empty as of lately, i have nothing else to do in life, so im talking about my 2 games!!!



(Not related to that other game)

so, superfighters was my second attempt at an actual game, it actually came out... okay? i dunno, i played it with friends a few times, it was pretty fun, people seemed to like it even though you couldnt even win.

Gameplay of me with my friends (im noob2223232)

keep in mind the video shows the version the day after the game got made, i updated it a 1000 times after that


The premise is simple, you're a little roblox man, you can jump high, your punches send your opponents flying, you can kick too. its fun right? Anyway the point was in my mind the point of the game was, people beat eachother up, if they die they can respawn and go beat the alive players up. Theres 4 maps in the game: (Bobi's house, Bobi's blue castle, Bobi's Sea Of Blood, Bobi's Mountain) the castle map sucks... its everything a superfighters map shouldnt be... bobi's sea of blood has the best gimmick. 

Also, this game has mobile support so you can play it at a funeral or something.


The game has a very weird soundtrack, i made it when i was sad about something i cant remember, probably something stupid since i discovered real sadness a year and a half ago. ANYWAY! I still like some of the tracks on it so give it a listen!!


weirdly enough, people seemed to like this game, for instance, a totally random person "wahiburgers" on roblox made some fan thumbnails for it, i put them in the game page obviously! Check em oooouuuut!! 

(just putting one of the two here because images take a lot of space in the text apparently)



note: you cant use sticks as weapons on superfighters.

god fucking damn it i hate that map...

And then some guy named "DustyOfficial" also a random guy offered himself to make some music for the game, saying that the soundtrack was in fact, really good. I dont believe him though... hes just trying to be nice.......... Check out his music tho. click that orange little name!!!

Oh fuck i almost forgot to mention him, Slimybits helped the Bobi's Mountain map, initially he was gonna program but while we were on a call he tried to code once on roblox and he just gave up. damn! still thanks for your support and help bud, very appreciated!

Man, i always have trouble with finding programmers... always having to do it all my self, you know sometimes programming is fun, to me it feels like beating your head against the wall for 4 hours until the thing you want to do actually comes to life, and it feels so... good... until i get sick of trying and begin hitting the desk and screaming at the monitor hoping it listens to me and fixes the shitty code i made, but i digressergerresgresgress gereas grasea grass ass.




Ok, no its still pretty fucked up like my other games but im pretty proud of it, i made it in the span of 2 months i think, learned stuff while making it. People didnt seem to care about this one the way they did about superfighters. but oh well.


"The Jeff" as interpreted by Slimybits.


pretty generic stuff..

You and your buddies partner up to beat the shit out of jeff the killer, you win coins when shooting him and you can buy better weapons as you kick his ass, if you kill him, everybody gets 500 jeffcoins?? i cant remember the exact amount but you get it probably. Theres only one map on the game, 2 modes: (VS JEFF THE KILLER, VS INFANT JEFFS) the first is the normal mode of the game, in the second you fight against a bunch of mini jeffs. I wanted to make more modes, like a bonus mode called throw bricks at jeff until he dies, or a penalty shooters type mode against jeff. but thats never gonna happen! not for now...

Oh yeah and theres deadly acid on the map, everywhere, you wanna know something about game design? people are dumb but nobody likes being told they're dumb, i know i dont, so you gotta put big signs everywhere telling them not to step in the deadly acid, its fun learning. BUT i dont like the yellow paint stuff, like it makes me feel way too dumb and i get angry, please make it fit into the game.


The best part about doing it was the soundtrack probably, i put some effort on it... i think:

I explain more about the soundtrack and the making on the game on the song description so check that out!!!

Damn i giggle like a little girl in some of these songs...


wait, what the fuck?!?!? this isnt a roblox game!!!


So this is it... The reason for my emptyness, this fucking little guy, im explaining that a little bit later.

The truth is, i decided to stop making roblox games, thats right you're never seeing superfighters 2!! oh no!

ok maybe if somebody offers themselves to program it. but things like that never happen on this wretched earth.

I hate Roblox as a company, they suck, they pay a little percentage of what youre actually winning (damn can you believe they take 72% of what you're winning?)


they only care about looking good and not actually the problems at hand, like pedos and stuff on their platform. they suck, but damn its fun to put random assets together and make them work.

ANYWAY! Going back to the empty void:

So i was working with this guy, who was very nice to offer himself to program the game (in gamemaker) actually i made the prototype myself, it had collisions, all the movement, even DEATH!! i felt proud of myself.


Anyway after a STUPID error from my part he ended up using another engine to program the game, we both kept updating eachother on the progress and he sent some very convincing footage from the game... it looked so beautiful. anyway when i ask him for ACTUAL builds of the game he seems to have some kind of problem doing a basic thing such as that.. thats when i should've left but the guy was so nice... Anyways after 2 months of working on this thing, i decide to finally ask him about a BUILD with a gun pointed to his head, he sends me it and i realize he lied to me about his progress for 2 months. i cut him off, saying "fuck you" to him and a bunch of other creative insults, and then block him. then he talks to me on another account, saying he was sorry and whatever and that he wanted to work on the game again, and i thought to myself, "why would he lie, what is he even getting out from me?" it seems like he had a fetish for wasting my time or something, i dunno. we got back to the gamemaker prototype i made, i sent him the prototype, he was learning to code on gamemaker and then he spent like 2 weeks making collisions for the prototype THAT ALREADY HAD COLLISIONS, and he said to me he was making different stuff like spikes and arrows and lasers and blah blah blah lies, when he actually had to make something, BUTTONS, you know, you move over them, a door opens up, or, you know, deletes itself. he also spent 2 weeks on that,

by the point he finished it i was already working on something else and couldnt care less if he was working or not.

Anyway probably everything was my fault, also i vented a little it of it here

man what a fucking retard! who even vents in a homer post?! what did homer have to do with that?! poor homer.

So, about the game itself. it looks a little something like this now:


And no thats not a big pp coming his way, its an arrow.

but youd probably like that huh? sorry.


i dont like that background at all, im probably changing it later.

BUT WHAT IS THE GAME ABOUT? basically a mix of these two:


seems pretty simple, no? aparently not lol. the plan was to make it a short 3 month project.

the game has 2 worlds, each one with 15 levels, and 1 world with 1 special level, then the credits! oh and i wanted to make a little comic for the introduction and the ending, as of now 13 out of 15 levels of the first world are conceptualized, they only need to be put on the game.

Ill probably make a separate blog post JUST for this game, when i have the comic done, and more stuff. ill be explaining the LORE and stuff, maybe.

Okay it was fun writing, i dont know if reading is as fun but i dont care.

See ya next time, thanks for reading!
